Thursday, April 30, 2015

Powershell: ARS : How to get user details from AD using ARS script

I had a situation where I wanted to pull the following details from ARS which I could not find in SCCM.

I extracted a report from SCCM from which I got the AD username of users and I ran it against the AD using ARS script to fetch the details and get it in a CSV. Then I combined both excel files to get all details.

#This program pulls user data from ARS.

#input is kept in csv file in following variable, title should be "UserName" , it contains the AD usernames of the users.


#Below file will have the exported user details


$list=Import-Csv $source

$results = @()


#Write the header to outfile.

Write-Output "UserID,LastName,FirstName,Email,Location" | Out-File $outfile -Encoding utf8 -Append

$list | foreach{



if($username.length -gt 3)


  get-qaduser $username |  foreach{$lname=$_.lastname;$fname=$_.firstname;$email=$;$uid=$_.samaccountname;$location=$_.l;  }

  write-host $count

  Write-Host "$uid,$lname,$fname,$email,$location"

  Write-Output "$uid,$lname,$fname,$email,$location" | Out-File $outfile -Encoding utf8 -Append

  $details = @{          


                FirstName= $fname

                LastName= $lname




  $results += New-Object PSObject -Property $details




  $lname="No data found";

  $fname="No data found";

  $email="No data found";

  $uid="No data found";

  $location="No data found"

  $details = @{          


                LastName= $lname              

                FirstName= $fname




Write-Output "$uid,$lname,$fname,$email,$location" | Out-File $outfile -Encoding utf8 -Append




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