Here is a script to find collection names which a device is member of .
We will collect all collection names and then we will run the command get-cmdevice on each collection to check if the device is member of that collection. Collection name will be returned if the device is member of the collection.
We will collect all collection names and then we will run the command get-cmdevice on each collection to check if the device is member of that collection. Collection name will be returned if the device is member of the collection.
#Get all collections you can enter collection name filters if needed ex: -name "*windows 7*"
$collections=Get-CMDeviceCollection | select Name
# Import the CSV which has the list of machines. Heading of CSV should be HostName
#or you can use a text file and use the command get-content
$devices=Import-Csv -Path $env:USERPROFILE\desktop\Device_List1.csv
foreach($device in $devices)
foreach($collection in $collections)
$colObj=Get-CMDevice -CollectionName $colName -Name $hostname
if($colObj -ne $null)
Write-Output "$hostname found in $colName"
Write-Host "$hostname not found in any collection"