USB device is not working after windows update (Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the driver required for this device. error 52) - Resolved
- Go to
device manager right click on the drive showing yellow mark, select
properties, click drivers tab, click on driver details, note the sys file
- Note the sys file names for all such drivers which are showing yellow mark.
- Goto the driver sys file path, C:\windows\system32\drivers\ and take ownership of the file , or else you will not be able to rename the files.
- To take ownership. -> right click on the sys file select properties, select security tab, click on advanced, advanced security settings for file will open, select owner, click edit and select the user name and press ok. Press ok for all other open windows and apply the changes.
- Change the security settings of the file and provide full access to the user so that we can rename the file.(Properties, security, Select Username, check full control)
- Rename the sys file(usbccgp.sys,usbd.sys,usbehci.sys,usbhub.sys,usbport.sys,usbuhci.sys).
- Repeat this process for all files.
- Go to device manager and scan for the hardware changes and the drivers should update now successfully.
Copy and save the below script(in bold) with a .bat extension from notepad, usbfix.bat and run it as administrator by right clicking.
First uninstall the USB drivers from device manager by right clicking and selecting uninstall, select to remove the files as well.
Script starts -> script is in bold font below which needs to be copied to notepad and saved as .bat
@echo off
cd "C:\Windows\System32\drivers"
set FILE_LIST=(usb8023.sys USBCAMD2.sys usbccgp.sys usbcir.sys usbd.sys usbehci.sys usbhub.sys usbohci.sys usbport.sys usbprint.sys usbrpm.sys USBSTOR.SYS usbuhci.sys usbvideo.sys)
for %%i in %FILE_LIST% do takeown /f "%%i" && icacls "%%i" /grant administrators:F
for %%i in %FILE_LIST% do ren "%%i" "%%i_oldfile"
Script ends